Coding & Robotics

Fun With Coding Level 1-4

Children as young as four years old can learn coding without touching a screen (no screen time such as iPad required).

Age: 4-5 years

Skill Level: Beginner

Prerequisite: None

Tools Provided: Unplugged (no screen time required)

Using Own Body to Execute Code

They can do this by using their own body as robot to execute the code such as move forward, turn right. They then learn progress towards their movements with symbols (such as a forward arrow on a place card). They will also learn to execute the sequence of code first with their body and subsequently by scanning the cards into a robot to execute the instructions.

Learn Concept of Coding and Logical Thinking

Young children not only learn the concept of coding and logical thinking, they also practise coordinating hand, eye and body movements as well as reinforce the concepts of left and right.


Coding Unplugged
  • Learn the concept of coding by sequencing instructions (such as move forward, backward, turn left, turn right, etc.) using own’s body a s the robot
  • Progress towards using a sequence of place cards with icons (such as forward arrow or turn left arrow) to represent the movements (coding). Then execute the coding using one’s body
  • Finally learn to scan the coding cards for a toy robot to execute the instructions (without the need to use a screen)

Learning Outcomes

Eye-Hand Coordination

Practise eye-hand coordination and body movements to complete the coding tasks

Develop better directional sense such as left and right

Learn to associate between concrete body movements such as move forward, turn right with abstract symbols such as arrows

Learn to think logically and sequentially

Creative Coding and Robotics Level 1-4

Children learn to code to control a robot and to apply what they learned to program the robot to complete tasks such as navigate through a maze, pick up and move objects, participate in competitions etc. Then your child will collaborate with teammates to develop an elaborate robot dance.

Age: 5-6 years

Skill Level: Beginner to Intermediate

Prerequisite: None

Tools Provided: iPad and Dash robot

Learn and Apply Computational Thinking

In the process, your child will encounter failure and success, and practise perseverance – one of the important predictors of success in life. More importantly, your child will learn and apply computational thinking – a logical thinking and problem-solving skill used by computer scientists to solve a complex problem in a systematic way.

Primary School Readiness

Your child will develop logical thinking which is useful in solving problems in Primary school Maths and in life. This project will also develop your child’s creativity as she or he needs to choreograph the robot dance. Your child will also develop perseverance in the process of implementing the robot dance project over time. Perseverance is one of the important predictors of success in life.



Learn what coding is and why it is important

  • Learn a visual programming language that lets users create programmes by manipulating programme elements graphically rather than textually
  • Learn how to use Blocky, a block-based visual programming application originally developed by Google
  • Use simple commands to programme Dash the robot (such as move forward, backward, distance, speed, expressions, change colour, etc.)
  • Learn advanced commands such as function and repeat
  • Programme Dash the robot to perform tasks such as navigate through a maze, pick up and move objects, compete in challenges etc.

Learning Outcomes

Computational Thinking
  • Learn and apply the concept of Computational Thinking, a logical step-by-step problem-solving method used by computer scientists to solve complex problems systematically. Steps include:
    • Abstraction (extracting the essence of a problem)
    • Decomposition (breaking a problem into smaller problems)
    • Pattern Recognition (identifying repeating patterns within the problem that can be solved in the same way)
    • Algorithm (step-by-step solution to each smaller problem)
  • Practise creativity to design the robot dance
  • Select music and choreograph the dance
  • Learn to work as a team to make all robots dance in synchronised formations
  • Develop good communication skills
  • Develop good collaboration skills
  • Develop positive growth mindset 
  • Nurture perseverance and persistence


Level 1
  • Introduction to basic coding commands: Forward, Backward, Turn Right and Turn Left via fun activities
  • Learn how to follow a sequence of instructions
  • Pattern recognition through colourful mats
  • Learn how to design and lay out simple mazes
  • Learn to create new programming challenges
Level 2
  • Learn how to programme the robot to move from a straight point to an end point
  • Learn how to programme the robot to show different facial expressions
  • Identify the use of some picture mats. Enjoy the fun of programming the robot and see the reactions of the robot
  • Create a simple story and programme the robot to move based on the story
Level 3 & 4
  • Build, design and invent fun new robots
  • Explore what the basic robot blocks (Battery, Distance, Drive) required to build a robot, e.g. a robot train or caterpillar
  • Explore and observe how by changing the direction of the Drive robot block can cause a robot train or caterpillar to move differently
  • Learn how to build a robot train that spins around by swapping the Distance and Drive robot blocks
  • Explore more advanced robot blocks that respond to light, sound, etc.
  • Identify and form a structure
  • Build a straight-line structure
  • Build a vertical standing structure
  • Build more complex structure
  • Develop understanding through observation and inquiry

Class Information

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